Kubernetes in Minutes
Managed Kubernetes to help grow your business. Start at just $10 per month, and scale-up and save with our free control plane and inexpensive bandwidth.
Managed services
Leave the Kubernetes infrastructure to us so you can focus on building world-changing apps.
Scale vertically as well as horizontally with cluster autoscaling (CA) and horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA).
Auto upgrades
Schedule automatic updates to new versions of Kubernetes, so you can make use of enhancements to the orchestration platform.
Global availability
Spin up a cluster in locations such as New York, San Francisco, London, Frankfurt, or Bangalore.
Kubernetes is a powerful open-source system for managing containerized applications in a clustered environment. Its focus is to improve how you manage related, distributed components and services across varied infrastructure.
Tetralogy Kubernetes is a managed Kubernetes service lets you deploy scalable and secure Kubernetes clusters without the complexities of administrating the control plane. We manage the Kubernetes control plane and the underlying containerized infrastructure.
You retain full access to the cluster with existing toolchains. You have cluster-level administrative rights to create and delete any Kubernetes API objects through the Tetralogy API and doctl.
There are no restrictions on the API objects you can create as long as the underlying Kubernetes version supports them. We offer the latest version of Kubernetes as well as earlier patch levels of the latest minor version for special use cases. You can also install popular tools like Helm, metrics-server, and Istio.
Persistent Data
You can persist data in Tetralogy Kubernetes clusters to block storage volumes using the Tetralogy CSI plugin. (See the feature overview page to learn which block storage volume features are available on Tetralogy Kubernetes.) We recommend against using HostPath volumes because nodes are frequently replaced and all data stored on the nodes will be lost.
Load Balancing
The Tetralogy Kubernetes Cloud Controller supports provisioning Tetralogy Load Balancers.
VPC Networks
Clusters are added to a VPC network for the datacenter region by default. This keeps traffic between clusters and other applicable resources from being routed outside the datacenter over the public internet.
Cluster networking is preconfigured with Cilium. Overlay networking is preconfigured with Cilium and supports network policies.
Clusters are automatically tagged with k8s and the specific cluster ID, like k8s:EXAMPLEc-3515-4a0c-91a3-2452eEXAMPLE. Worker nodes are additionally tagged with k8s:worker.
You can add custom tags to a cluster and its node pools. Any custom tags added to worker nodes in a node pool (for example, from the Droplets page), are deleted to maintain consistency between the node pool and its worker nodes.
Resource Limits
- Clusters can have up to 512 nodes.
- A single worker node can have up to 110 pods.
- All worker nodes for a cluster are provisioned in the same datacenter region.
- Network throughput is capped at 2 Gbps per worker node.
Allocatable Memory
The size of DOKS nodes determines the maximum amount of memory you can allocate to Pods. Because of this, we recommend using nodes with less than 2 GB of allocatable memory only for development purposes and not production. These distinctions are visible during the cluster creation process.